Timothy Lim

Writing Coach

I believe that writing is one of the most honest expressions of ourselves and is something I love helping people with.

Writing can often be a solitary journey, leading to many unspoken words. That's where I come in.

Together, we can:

  • Develop your ideas
  • Structure your writing
  • Get those words into the world!

How I can help

Personal Consultation

One-on-one sessions to help you with your writing and explore concepts together.

Group Writing Sessions

Join a group where we discuss what we're working on, write for forty minutes and reflect together.

Why me?

I am genuinely curious about how people think and how those thoughts are refined through writing.

Good blogs make me happy and I keep two myself: Perth for more refined essays and A Million Words by Tim for more experimental, freeform writing.

Interested in working together? Send me an email at tim[at]littlefield.studio.

You can also find me on X / Twitter and my personal page.