Timothy Lim

Twitter Logs Week 5 2025

January 27 → February 2

  • i agree with @yacineMTB: “fairness does not exist in marriage” the media ruined marriages by programming women to think they should be ‘fair’ tldr it’s bad code:

  • When Christians and Muslims say “God” they literally mean reality. Statements like “there is only one reality” make a lot more sense once you get this

  • Landshark → sometimes you see normies discussing some tiktok influencer and just think yeah I’m defnitely supposed to live in a castle away from these people and just visit them with a spear once a year

  • i’m a year into marriage so i don’t want to oversell my qualifications, but one lesson i’ve taken from fatherhood so far is that being a very involved and engaged father hides many sins

  • Many situations in life are similar to going on a hike: the view changes once you start walking. You don’t need all the answers right now. New paths will reveal themselves if you have the courage to get started.

  • just because you make the connection feel good for the other person, doesn’t mean it feels good for you.

  • the Internet Publishing Company, making hyperlinks cool again

  • the rational is sequential, easy to understand & debug. The intuitive / emotional cognition is highly parallel, every piece depends on every other piece, you can’t debug it in isolation

  • the sex was good, but i don’t wanna be with someone who can’t understand dialectical materialism

  • 80s medievalism might be the hardest-going energy known to man.

  • Old masters: Frank Frazetta [image]

  • Hoodie tweet

  • BDSM is kind of weird to me because it always feels a little bit like theater kid behavior

  • roleplaying in the bedroom as an angry construction worker from new york while wearing nothing but this

  • I repeat myself here but social competition between guys is always capped because of the implicit threat of violence - if you fuck with a dude enough you end up throwing hands. Women have no such hard stop so it’s war eternal

    • https://x.com/realluvbby/status/1884951149393928317
      • Guys will never fully grasp the relentless hate and vicious attacks that hot girls endure constantly from other women. A guy sees a good-looking dude and thinks, “He’s a total Chad,” or maybe, “Man, I need to hit the gym!” Meanwhile, many women see a gorgeous girl and dedicate themselves to tearing her down—destroying her reputation, orchestrating social sabotage, whispering backbiting gossip, lies and rumors behind her back, gaslighting the fuck out of her if they can get close enough, and so on. It sounds hard to believe, but it can often be a very lonely existence being a hot girl. Kinda like they say being CEO is “lonely at the top” because everyone is coming at you and trying to knock you off your perch. Just read the comment sections of these two posts in this screenshot for a taste.
  • a scrappy prototype of something that works is worth more than a hundred thousand unproductive arguments

  • The world is on fire but the pizza is cold, you feel me?

  • Hornbill video of the female building herself into a tree trunk

  • Recall one of the most insane graphs ever: After a decade men paid off ~30% of their loans and women paid off ~3% Men pay down student debt and women don’t. They have different expectations around college’s use and different sensitivity to cost-benefit.

  • Touch grass. Now touch bronze. Now touch the altar. Now make the sacrifice. Now carve the sacred glyphs into the bone. Now heat the pyromancy rods

  • sometimes the side wound ain’t even a wound, it’s an invitation to eroticise the divine and unavaoidable nature of suffering

  • Me visiting a part of the university outside the humanities and social sciences

  • if you think about it, lana del rey marrying an alligator tour guide and taylor swift ending up with a football player is deeply jungian

  • I love when my toddler hands me stuff. He does it so ceremoniously. Behold, father, an object! I receive it solemnly and investigate. Ah, this is a bottle cap. It is mostly safe for you to play with. As long as you don’t try to swallow it. Maybe don’t put it in your mouth? Hey,

  • did my dog tweet this

  • Back when the Malaysian government could produce tasteful graphic designs

  • Humans only talk to 1) other humans 2) pets 3) themselves 4) spiritual entities They do not talk to things that are not “alive” It feels weird and wrong. Machines are not alive. All voice first interfaces have failed and will continue to fail.

  • “why and how does our marriage work.” a thread by eigenrobot

    • https://x.com/eigenrobot/status/1884132154021667259
    • this was kicked off by a long thread / book review by @melissaits very good but too long to address exhaustively and speaking of “exhaustion” thats what i experienced while reading i
    • the important thing about our marriage wrt that thread is that our overhead is very low for example. we don’t have Talks or Reviews or whatever. there is no Process and no Explicit Structure we don’t have Chore Rotations no one is getting PIP’d. we are MARRIED
    • the way chores work is, when we see things that need to be done, we do them when we have time or when we must we have specializations but we swap out as needed if someone gets behind on something that’s Their Thing they ask for help or the other person just pitches in on it
      • if someone’s falling behind that gets treated not as “unfair” but as a signal that they’re overburdened and need relief. because remember everyone is doing as well as they can in pursuit of shared goals like The Kids Don’t Die
    • pay attention to one another’s mental state directly too. and if they seem like they’re getting ragged make a point of stepping in to give them breathing room preemptively. * do this even if they seem fine actually. just as an expression of love. there is no downside to this
    • just overall the best thing you can possibly do for your own sake is continuously watch out for your spouse’s well-being and happiness. obviously doing this out of love is important. but also, miserable and mentally-wracked spouses are Not Good at doing chores
    • are we resource-rich? kind of but it’s tricky. i have a nice remote tech job and that helps but i’m not THAT highly paid and a lot of my comp is currently in RSUs that will be illiquid and hypothetical for the foreseeable future what actually matters imo is the following
    • we live frugally by instinct. we have one car, which is a paid-off honda civic. we don’t travel much. our hobbies are cheap. it’s not just what resources you have; it’s whether you use them to solve the set of problems that money can solve
    • me: “this thread is interesting bc compared to what I’m used to, you seem unusually willing to solve problems by throwing money at them.” eigen: “yeah, the problems that can be solved with money!” x.com/eigenrobot/sta…
    • having a shared life aesthetic maximizes the impact of whatever resources you have by making it easier for you to pursue shared goals efficiently example: three years ago we aligned on moving from seattle to a lovely small town in outstate minnesota
    • leaving the city levered the impact of nominally unchanged resources (eg, more house for less money) the nice small town also unlocked non-monetary resources like proximity to family (and so free, loving childcare), kind neighbors, and streets kids can safely walk around in
    • obviously this wouldn’t have worked if the move had left one of us feeling resentful. but the natural prioritization of “how can we make the household work maximally well,” and mutual trust in shared concern for the other’s needs, smooths over what might otherwise feel UNFAIR
    • addendum #2 easy conflict mitigation strategy: “we are never getting divorced” partly i see this as a sacred obligation but a practical effect is that there is no strategic upside brinksmanship and a high incentive to solve problems quickly and finally
    • When things get tough, a mindset of “never divorce” is can be really helpful. Shifts your mind to “how do we work this problem out going forward, because leaving is not an option.”
    • we don’t really fight. occasionally we get stressed and cranky, but this is situational and transient there’s a high incentive to revert to cooperation and to proactively help the other get to a good place because conflict is exhausting and unpleasant and we are very busy!
    • when one of us is getting upset the default mode of the other is to say, “ok hey. go chill out however you like. i am going to take care of things for a bit. please go feel better.” this solves 99% of every potential conflict, bc most of them are generated by stress overload
    • this is relatively easy to do when you trust the other to act in good faith toward a common goal and it’s important to forgive and forget as quickly as possible because tracking conflict is emotionally draining and there are other crucial things we have to be doing constantly