Timothy Lim

Twitter Logs Week 2 2025

  • Man riding a horse image

  • i hate how well asking myself “if i had 10x the agency i have what would i do” works

  • Being able to date your type exactly is a sign of status and freedom. Your type exactly. Not the type that was sold to you online as the “hot ideal”. Your actual type. The one deep in your subconscious. The one you were brought to Earth to uncover. Who you really are

  • (pushing your buttons) yayyy this is so much fun

  • Camille Paglia, 2017: “If you go to a fraternity house party with chaos going on in the living room area and a young man says to you would you like to go up to my room, I’m sorry, you are consenting to sex, he is right to think you have consented”

  • Trump: “The windmills are driving the whales crazy. Obviously.” - He is in every sense the most quixotic man alive.

  • was talking a friend through a catastrophizing episode where he was like “I have no evidence that I’ll ever be capable of anything” and I said “well if you look at a 1yo there’s no evidence they will ever walk or talk”. All growth is about doing tomorrow what you can’t do today

  • you know i keep that thang on me - egg holder

  • Post-collapse, tablet kids will emerge as shamans: physically frail, hounded by visions, valued for their memories of our ephemeral zenith, worshipping a pantheon of youtube demons

  • Women love to tell you about the worst thing that ever happened to them 5 minutes after having sex. Which is fine and an understandable impulse

  • POV: you are a gay camel in jeans sitting down

  • A traditional, normie culture works real well for the majority of people who are traditional normies at heart, and is devastating for those who aren’t. Bring trad back all you want, but if you have a weirdo child they’ll be bearing the cost of it

  • In addition to downgrading my phone, I discovered barefoot style shoes. So now I have a stupid looking phone and stupid looking shoes

  • I bet wild grasses think lawns are creepy. Doll grass, empty grass, hypergreen mono-grass, growing in a meadow whose edges are too straight

  • after watching zucks video, he 100% uses X every day and posts here under a psued. and he likely follows me. hello mark, dearest king of millennials. i love you, never stop fighting

  • extremely dumb people who test their models of the world regularly can make far better predictions of the world than extremely smart people who are afraid or too arrogant to test

  • [meeting a british couple] so which one of you is the wallace and which is the gromit?

  • real estate gains are inflation gains

  • in his book Violence, Randall Collins points out how the vast majority of “violence” we see is mythologized (movies) or limited within rules (combat sports) real violence is a lot more brutal and quick than people expect it to be

  • if you truly appreciate that comms is lossy and that misunderstanding is the default state then it becomes necessary to give people room to revise their imperfect lossy misunderstood statements it becomes necessary to be patient and kind in order to understand anything or anyone

  • what are posts that aren’t load-bearing anywhere but your personal lexicon. like the ones that weren’t really popular but are so enshrined in your mind that you just assume they got hundreds of thousands of likes

  • I got really freaked out when I learned my whole conception of chivalry is not based in medieval history but on the Victorian era revival of medieval mythology that completely distorted and romanticized chivalry’s historical basis

  • Someone said “Nothing gives you a clearer look into someone than how they misinterpret things, every misinterpretation is a confession” and it’s so true because how people misunderstand things can reveal a lot about their perspectives and feelings.

  • The best relationships (including platonic) are two people who don’t always “communicate well” but fundamentally understand one another and have loads of goodwill cached. Few.

  • if a man doesn’t inspire demonic lust in you he’s not the one

  • I think about this graph shape constantly. In my mind, it’s “the graph.” Electricity, WiFi, telephones, plastic baggies, disposable diapers, clocks, “jobs,” Instagram, credit cards, etc etc etc. – the use of all of these things basically correlates to the shape of this graph.

  • I really need a good content queue—something I can dump subscriptions, podcasts, videos, articles into. Ideally it would keep an inbox and organize that content for me so I can engage with it later. Anything like that out there?

  • Alternate reality where everyone has to publish one 250-page memoir every 25 years, starting at age 25. Every memoir is publicly available, free to order in print or as an ebook.

  • Simple insurance guide for the confused: 1) Insurance company fails to pay for something it covered => BAD. Sue! 2) Insurance company cancels your coverage for something => irksome, but you are getting IMPORTANT INFORMATION from professional actuaries, for free. Reflect on it!

  • The industrial worker is a pathetic, rootless being, and his remuneration in money is not tangible but abstract. Carl Jung

  • Men and women are so psychologically different it’s kinda weird that they WEREN’T very ideologically polarized until recently. What changed? One hypothesis: dating forces you to compromise. But maybe political identities are now so strong that people prioritize them over dating.

  • 3 interesting findings: 1. Having clear and actionable goals is positively associated with psychological well-being. Goals provide life with a sense of purpose. When people make good progress in achieving their most valued goals, they enjoy higher levels of happiness.

  • The thing about online hate is that it doesn’t really feel like anything when you’ve been tangibly successful in the thing. There’s a viral thread hating on my poetry but someone always cries at my readings, Olivia Rodrigo loves my book and had it on her shelf in her Vogue interview, it still makes great sales every quarter, and my online writing alone changed my life and singlehandedly lifted me out of poverty. Everything great about my life is because of sharing poetry. Even if there was a hate thread of 1 billion randoms online squawking about their precious personal preferences, it still wouldn’t hold a candle to how great that feels. The altar is already long set

  • a major enhancement to life is the ability to feel attraction and simply enjoy it without feeling compelled to grasp or pursue the object of one’s attraction. i think a lot of people would relax a great deal if they honed their ability to feel desire, even savor it, without needing to act it out.

  • romantic relationships are one of the toughest things to figure out as a human: - u get very few of them to “practice” with. most people will not have more than 4 serious relationships before marriage. - there’s massive qualitative differences at later levels of time spent and greater investment. having been in five 6-month relationships will tell u nothing about what a 3 year relationship where u live together is like. u can’t “practice” that without doing it, and fucking up that level of investment is catastrophic - each relationship with someone new is fundamentally different from all prior ones in important ways. the issues and conflicts u have, the qualities u bring out in each other, the shape of ur life, will be different each time. meaning technique, patterns, emotional expectations, just don’t generalize in nice ways. - nobody else is really able to give u great advice on what u should do. sure ur friends and ur mom can help u avoid obvious pitfalls, but at the end of the day they’re not u, so their understanding of how they do well in relationships will frequently diverge from what u want and need - ur examples are fucked. many people’s parents actually have terrible relationships, or at least terrible in some specific ways. great relationships are rare and bad patterns get imprinted on kids early - relationship damage can accumulate, just like any other kind of trauma. there’s a reason why people talk about “being damaged”. relationships have huge deep emotional impacts, so when they go wrong they can instill issues that cause future relationships to go wrong, rather than just teach lessons about what not to do. so yeah, shits fucking HARD. don’t beat urself up. nevertheless, love is the most important thing, so we must try. and miraculously, despite how insanely difficult it seems, we so frequently succeed. eventually.

  • The Russian guy I hired through task rabbit to help me move is telling me all of the things that are wrong with my diet that are making me so weak He’s like “I can do three or four tasks per day. But you— cannot even do one.” Which is very true. Perhaps this man can write my book I ask what is the craziest thing that ever happened to him on task rabbit. He says he helped a porn star move and later they had sex. “For her, it was an ordinary day. But for me, this was my dream come true about America” He tells me if I work hard I can become strong, but probably not very strong, and maybe I should just work on my book. I cannot recommend this man enough. Efficiency of a marine. I won’t put his info on here but if you need help moving and want his info dm! Ok to wrap up here (a) this did happen! (See below), (b) not giving out his info now obvi (c) advice was I need to eat more than two Luna bars per day and cut sugar lmao and (d) last unforgettable quote— I say “wow you are so quick” and he says “it’s bc I don’t enjoy this”

  • This woman has an elite level understanding of male psychology. I was today years old when I realized that what she says is true. Men love quests.

  • how it feels to be unemployed - horse running image

  • kids being racist to themselves

  • Imagine there’s no Shire It’s easy, my hobbit guy No Mt. Doom ahead of you, Just give in and die Imagine all the halflings Eatin’ for today Ah Imagine there’s no darkness It’s sunny on Mt. Doom No reason to suspect Mordor No Ilúvatar, no Khazad-Dûm Imagine all the fair folk Livin’ life in trees You You may say I’m a gift giver My ring’s not the only one Like the nine, you’ll join me And the world will be as won Imagine no Nazgûl I wonder if you can No need for second breakfasts With the servitude of man Imagine all the dwarves Mining all the world You You may say I’m a gift giver I’ll give you death for fun I hope you’ll bring my ring And I’ll bind them all as one

  • Werner Herzog talking about the pursuit of dreams will hype you up

  • there is no final act of love. just keep going stupid

  • woman is reduced to mastubatory prop - zizek

  • When learning people usually copy behaviors wholesale because they can’t tell what’s necessary and what’s superfluous. This opens up first principles thinkers to come and sweep the field

  • when my dad was a kid he wrote letters to the soviet union and received boxes of books in return, all translated to urdu. he said that the soviet union was a fact — it was unimaginable that it might fall, that it might ever cease to exist. because then what would be in its place?

  • karl marx failed to consider how dripped out i look walking out of the polo ralph lauren store. there is a man riding a horse on top of my chest you communist retard

  • The husband waiting in the car image

  • knight holding a kitten image

  • loving the extreme amounts of effort to facilitate the most extreme amounts of chilling

  • day 13 in bushwick, a white guy in a japanese gown stops the music to assume full lotus on stage & recite a hindu mantra Nobody kicks his ass or throws anything or even leaves the room These people are spiritually cucked, it falls to me to show them the way

  • the most liberating part of the poaster’s journey is when you realize you almost never actually have to explain yourself to anyone. getting good at explaining yourself is like Neo learning to dodge bullets, but getting good at not-needing-to-explain is like seeing the matrix

  • I find it incredible that “start a blog or post your work in public and post a lot” is STILL underrated advice, but here we are

  • TL;DR: - agency is wanting things so bad you could die - focus on wanting more things and being more of a big baby when you don’t get your way - unlike intelligence, it is a muscle you can practice

  • all girls want is to get their sense of wonder pounded back into them

  • I have a new website ! - https://metanomicon.ink Metanomicon is going to be the new home for my published and in-progress thoughts. the hope is that this format, in combination with my existing twitter habits, will lead to a more refined recursion of my ideation process. <3

  • something about a character dying but their lover refusing to allow it, and so they are forcibly resurrected. something about the horror of being alive when your body knows it should be dead.

  • local man forcibly resurrects his ex mutual devotionship in act of incredibly selfish hubris, triggers her wrath, and unleashes an ancient curse. more at 8. (the dead and the beloved/wuthering heights wip) (art by alamangoes)

  • that james baldwin quote where he says “it took many years of vomiting up al the filth i’d been taught about myself and half-believed, before i was able to walk on the earth as though i had a right to be here”